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Image Area

The actual area on the printed matter that is not restricted to ink coverage,


Laser output device using photosensitive paper or film.


Arrangement of pages on mechanicals or flats so they will appear in proper sequence after press sheets are folded and bound.


(1) Referring to an ink colour, one impression equals one press sheet passing once through a printing unit. (2) Referring to speed of a press, one impression equals one press sheet passing once through the press.

Impression Cylinder

Cylinder, on a press, that pushes paper against the plate or blanket, thus forming the image. Also called impression roller.


To print new copy on a previously printed sheet, such as imprinting an employee's name on business cards. Also called surprint.

Ink Balance

Relationship of the densities and dot gains of process inks to each other and to a standard density of neutral gray

Ink Fountain

Reservoir, on a printing press, that holds ink.

Ink Holdout

Characteristic of paper that prevents it from absorbing ink, thus allowing ink to dry on the surface of the paper. Also called holdout.

Ink Jet Printing

Method of printing by spraying droplets of ink through computer-controlled nozzles. Also called jet printing.

Inner Form

Form (side of the press sheet) whose images all appear inside the folded signature, as compared to outer form.

In-Plant Printer

Department of an agency, business or association that does printing for a parent organization. Also called captive printer and in-house printer.


Within a publication, an additional item positioned into the publication loose (not bound in).

Intaglio Printing

Printing method whose image carriers are surfaces with two levels, having inked areas lower than noninked areas. Gravure and engraving are the most common forms of intaglio. Also called recess printing.

Integral Proof

Colour proof of separations shown on one piece of proofing paper, as compared to an overlay proof. Also called composition proof, laminate proof, plastic proof and single-sheet proof.


Printed pages loosely inserted in a publication.


A number assigned to a published work and usually found either on the title page or the back of the title page. Considered an International Standard Book Number.