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Using a broadsheet as a measure, one half of a broadsheet.


Grade of dense, strong paper used for products such as badges and file folders.

Tagged Image File Format

Computer file format used to store images from scanners and video devices. Abbreviated TIFF.

Target Ink Densities

Densities of the four process inks as recommended for various printing processes and grades of paper. See also Total Area Coverage.


Concerning a printing project's basic details in regard to its dimensions. A standard layout.

Text Paper

Designation for printing papers with textured surfaces such as laid or linen. Some mills also use 'text' to refer to any paper they consider top-of-the-line, whether or not its surface has a texture.


Method of printing using colourless resin powder that takes on the colour of underlying ink. Also called raised printing.


Initial ideas jotted on virtually anything in regard to initial concept of a future project.


Screening or adding white to a solid colour for results of lightening that specific colour.

Tip In

Usually in the book arena, adding an additional page(s) beyond the normal process (separate insertion).

Tone Compression

Reduction in the tonal range from original scene to printed reproduction.

Total Area Coverage

Total of the dot percentages of the process colours in the final film. Abbreviated for TAC. Also called density of tone, maximum density, shadow saturation, total dot density and total ink coverage.

Touch Plate

Plate that accents or prints a colour that four-colour process printing cannot reproduce well enough or at all. Also called kiss plate.

Trade Shop

Service bureau, printer or bindery working primarily for other graphic arts professionals, not for the general public.


Positive photographic image on film allowing light to pass through. Also called chrome, colour transparency and tranny. Often abbreviated TX.


To print one ink over another or to print a coating, such as varnish, over an ink. The first liquid traps the second liquid. See also Dry Traps and Wet Traps.

Trim Size

The size of the printed material in its finished stage (e.g., the finished trim size is 5 1\2 x 8 1\2).